About Gatema

Know how to make things wow

Premium quality, speed, ingenuity, honesty, a personal approach and teamwork, these are the values that we adopted many years ago. And it was probably a good decision, because today our company is supported by years of partnerships, top-notch products and solutions, and an excellent team made up of almost two hundred employees.

This too makes it possible for us to grow each year. So much so, that we recently also changed Gatema’s structure. Instead of a joint-stock company, we became a holding company that includes independent legal entities. We would like to be an even more flexible and willing partner, and offer you - in addition to exceptional know-how - the immeasurable good feeling you get from mutual collaboration.

Company History

Gatema was founded in 1992 under the name CEA Product, s.r.o. in the attic of a family house in Kunštát. Her first activity is cooperation with LCS International (now Asseco Solutions) on the field of sales and development of information ERP systems. Two years later, it buys PCB technology and is gradually becoming an increasingly important Czech player in the field of information technology and a respected European PCB manufacturer. Since 2016 we have also been running our own kindergarten Gatemáček.

View our headquarter in 3D Virtual Tour


The goal  is to turn the good things into the ones with the “wow” effect, the wow ones. In other words, except our knowledge in respective field we are always aimed to bring added value for our customers: enthusiasm, empathy and innovation.



We Support

We are immensely proud of our region and being a significant commercial entity, we feel particularly responsible for it. That is why we also support a considerable number of local projects and organisations spreading across social, cultural and sport areas:


Social sector

Children belong to their homes

The foster care for children of children's homes and the support of foster care



Reginal Charity Blansko

Betany Boskovice – a comprehensive social service 




Festival for Boskovice Jewish Quarter 
